Monday, October 27, 2014

Pre-NaNoWriMo disclaimer.

This is your warning- Do not expect any blog posts for at least a month. But probably more. In Dec. I am moving and I may post some posts related to that, but I am going into a blogless slumber until the new year. My life is crazy. Feel free to read old posts or just ignore my existence. But first-

What is NaNoWriMo?

NaNoWriMo is The short(er) way of saying National Novel Writing Month, where in the month of November, A writer tries to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. It's chaos and a great way to get things done. This is my second year doing it, and I am soooo stoked.

This year my novel is about Delphia, a girl from a rich french immigrant family living in the USA, and she is living the dream. Until she goes insane and is sent to an asylum. On one side of the story, you see her going throug the trials of trying to heal and trying not to get killed. On the other, two years before, you find out how she went slowly off the deep end. I'm really excited for it. ;-) I'm going to post chapters starting some time 2015, but I want to edit it first. 

Any questions? I'll answer them up until Nov. 1st when I am deleting my blogger app until Dec. 3rd. 

Thanks for reading! 
