Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Hi! I know I haven't posted In a while, but I was on vacation in Michigan this past week and decided not to try and do blog posts because there was no internet at the cabin we were staying in. But I did take a ton of pictures! Michigan is so beautiful and we had some rain and some sun and a foggy day on the way home, so I got some great pictures. 

One of my favorites. 🌞
My cousin, Mercy. 
I love the colors in this one. 🍁🍂🍃
My younger brother saw this leaf and remembered I was obsessed with water on leaves and came inside to tell me. It made my day. 
Another favorite.
My aunt lives in a village called Central lake, and it was a beautiful, calm place to be. 
I love this one so much. I'm obsessed with the rain, and the headlights, everything. 
Another one of my favorites.


  1. I love these, especially the 8'th one down. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Willa! Those were some of my favorites. My aunt actually did a painting of one of them, which was pretty awesome! :)

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