Monday, February 3, 2014

Memory Monday- My dog.

Hi! After an online outburst in a forum where I took a joke the wrong way and pushed words at said person that had been bottled up inside of me for all my life, words about my dog, I decided I would write about my him today.
Maybe you may not know, but my dog is hairless. He was born without hair, so it's totally normal. He's got no hair except for the top of his head, his feet, and the tip of his tail. His name is Einstein. he's been the family dog since around when I was born. And he's getting old.
I've actually been thinking about it a lot, but our dog probably won't be with us much longer. He's a part of our family, and it hurts to think of living without him, but maybe even by the end of the year he'll be gone. I'll miss every single little quirk about hi when he's gone. Since that's what Memory Monday is about, sharing little pieces of my life with you, I'll tell you.

  • I love the way he used to hate people who wore hats. Even if it was just daddy coming home from work, if he was wearing his baseball cap, he would bark his heart out. He doesn't do that anymore, but I love to think about it.
  • The way he hated pretty much everyone, including other dogs. 
  • The way he thought he owned the street.
  • The way he dealt with the little kids pinching his funny looking skin, and trying to ride on him. I don't think he ever bit them.
  • When he got so exited when we went to drop him off to stay with his only friend, a dog one of my dads coworkers had, and he would run around excitedly the entire time there. Sadly, that dog has passed on.
  • When we got home after a trip and he would run around the house like "Look at all of you, I missed you! Look at the house, I remember this house! I love it!"
  • Whenever my mother went to use the bathroom, or shut him out of her room to do something, he would stand right outside, ready and guarding for when she came back out. 
Anyway, now that I've told you some of my favorite memories about my doggie-boy, I'm going to talk about his looks. I'm going to guess you think that he's ugly. If I told you I thought he was cute, you'd probably say, "But he looks like a huge rat!" Don't bother. I've heard that too many times. You can think he's ugly, just like I can think a movie isn't good. But don't tell me I can not think he's cute. Because I do. I do just like you think you cat or dog or bird is cute. And I will think he's cute until the day he dies.

I would like all Chinese-crested haters to know a few things. Einstein can't help who he is. That's what he looks like, it's how he was born. I don't say your dog is ugly, do I? No. I don't. Because it doesn't matter what he looks like. It doesn't matter one single bit. It matters who he is. And who he is is a loving, loyal, sweet dog who wouldn't let anyone hurt us if he could do anything about it. I would also like you to know that he doesn't look like a rat. Not at all. Rats have this thing called hair. The top of their heads is not covered in hair. So, if you think about it, dogs with hair look more like rats then my dog does. 

I love my dog, because he's a part of my family. He's loved me and taken care of me, and always listens to me cry is I need it. Someday, I may wake up and find him gone to this world. Someday it may happen. But I'm trying to be happy that he's here with us. now. 

It makes me tear up to think about how my little siblings, who are aged 4, 2, and 1, won't remember him like I do. They won't understand when he dies, either. Jubilee and EJ, (My two youngest siblings) may not even remember him at all. That's one of the things that hurts the most about when he leaves.

I'll miss him when he's gone. Everyone in our family will. I wrote this post so I could go back when he's gone and remember him, so I could have these pieces of the past forever, so I can come and tell my little siblings about him without having to forget. Because I love him. Because I love them, Because I want them to remember. And I don't want to ever forget.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, honey!

    I remember when my dad's dog died... I was maybe 15, and Max had been around since before I was born. Macey probably only barely remembers Max, and Eliyah will never remember him. Max was a big part of my life though... a HUGE part really. He was my dad's shadow, and dad never went anywhere without him... EVER. He was a good friend, and it was awful when he passed on... I still miss him. :/
