Saturday, July 26, 2014


Yesterday afternoon, my aunt tagged me in this picture my aunt  Donna ( painted. Underneath that, was a link to Chalk dust and rain. The story had inspired her to make this beautiful painting. 

It brought a tear to my eye as I tried to figure out what to say. A swirl of happy emotions went through me, but how could I express that in a Facebook comment? I ended up just saying that I loved it, and adding a heart next to that. But what I wanted to express was;

"I am honored, and I miss you guys so much it hurts" but I didn't want to just say that, because I... Wasn't sure how it would end up seeming to her after it went all the way to Michigan. She then said she wished I could have modeled for her and a peice of songbird broke inside of me and began to sing to my heart. 

So that's what I'm writing about today. Family. We're all spread across the world, and sometimes I miss them a lot, but if we lived closer, would things like this be as special? Because art is a powerful thing, and every single person on my moms side of the family holds it like a peice of chi a in their hands, proudly showing time this world. 

And it's beatuful. My Aunt Raquel recently started a YouTube channel for food, because, well, she makes awesome food! ( the youngest of the sisters, Merrianna, who is a writer, started posting an awesome short story series called green speaker! (

It goes back further. My great grandfather built a beautiful house out of quarry!

My great grandmother painted these porcelain sculptures in a way that made them come to life!

Everywhere I turn, I am encouraged by someone, somewhere, inspiring me, or being inspired by me. And it makes me so happy. It makes me happier than so many things, and even though I wish we were closer, our hearts go out to eachother in a simply wonderful way, a way that only those few chosen by God to have the hands to create words or paintings or stories or food or just a smile out of clay and bring this world a family. A real family. 

I love you guys.

And I can't wait,to see you again.

And here is a poem. It went everywhere, but it's got tons of heart put into it.

Do you think that he put us far away so our hearts could be together?
Do you think that when I'm inspired once, I inspire you forever?

I think that every day that I am far apart from you
My mind and your heart come together more, it's true.

Because, to put it simply,

I love you.

Because I put simply, 

It's just true.

Do you think that the paint strokes you put across the page
Can calm my heart when I'm in a fiery rage?

I think that very day that the sun shines it is true
My heart reaches out to touch the Sunrays that are you.

Because, to put it simply,

I love you.

Because I put simply, 

It's just true.

When this sun goes down 
and my day turns around
Then I think of you so far away.
I wish that I could go and stay.
And the moon comes up because some of us are night owls. 
And they stare at it for hours upon hours.

And if you feel my heart heat
Even know it's off the beat

Then, to put it simply,

You must love me too.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. No, really. I can't think of any other words for it.
