Saturday, March 15, 2014

If an Immortal died- Beginning doodle.

Hey hey hey! How's life in the interweb world? I found some time today, so I thought I'd put together a blog post, with some stuff...And things. I don't know really, I'm just gonna Go with the flow. (also known as going to my writing prompt board on Pinterest.)

[Five minutes later]

So...I found this prompt, but I decided it wasn't working so...

[Ten minutes after that]

I'm gonna forget the whole writing prompt thing, and work on an idea I had in the shower today. Just like that, yes. So here I go, jumping in! [falls to her doom]

I'm lost in a book, as always. The same book, again. I'm just gasping at the plot twist for the millionth time when Heather walks into the room, breaking me away from my book.
"Cvita?" I sigh and look up, placing a bookmark over the page and closing it.
"Yes, Heather?" I gasp a little when I see she's crying. My best friend is crying. I frown and set Gone with the wind aside. "What's wrong?" she takes my hand.
"I know this has been hard, after Alaric left you." I frown. Why is she bringing this up now? "And after he and I got together." I shake my head.
"What are you talking about? Alaric left me three years ago." My heart beat quickens. Could she know? But how? I... 
"Cvita." Heather says, and she looks deep into my eyes, searching them. "I'm sorry." I shake my head.
"For what?" She squeezes my hand.
"Alaric is dead." I shake my head, almost laughing. Because I'm scared. And my head is spinning.
"You're talking crap." My head shivers a little at those words. Those were the words I said to him. My voice shakes like crazy. "How could you even know that. He's not--" I stop because Heather is crying. Not just a title shimmer of tears, a small nose blow, but Shaking, sobbing, cries. "Heather--" I stop, not able to continue. Because I know why Alaric left me. And I know why, or I think I do, he came back for Heather. I know more about him then most girls he knew. but I don't know that much. But I know one thing. Alaric can't possibly be dead. It's completely impossible. Because Alaric-- Alaric is Immortal.
Before I know it, I'm outside in the garden where he told me. Where he told me. I fumble, getting out my phone, tapping on the gallery app. I take a deep breath and go to the last viewed picture. It's him. It's Alaric. And me. Together. Smiling. The day before he told me. I close my eyes, knowing the memory will replay no matter what. I may as well give it my whole attention.

I was so happy to see him again. His face lit up any room, any time. But he took my hand, leading me to the garden, his eyes deadly serious.
"Cvita. I--I need to tell you something." I nod, my eyes squinting into a frown. "It's a secret. And I'm just going to come out and say it, and you need to just walk away after that." I a feel my eyes water suddenly.
"I'm a god of another world. I came here to study your people, and you have been my tenth specimen. I don't normally tell you people, but you deserve to know." I shake my head.
"You're talking crap." He shakes his head.
"I'm the god of the sky, of wind, and of the air you breathe." He steps back, floating upwards, pushing my strawberry blonde hair backwards. I gasp and a tear falls out of my eye. 
"No. You--" I sit on the ground as he comes back down onto the ground.
"I told you though, Cvita, you have been very helpful towards my studies." He says, as if that would make me feel better. I  choke a sob out, putting my hand over my mouth in horror. I'd been lied to. And by a god, no less. Alaric turns around and leaves. I make myself stand walk away, trying to erase everything from my mind and keep it at the same time.

The memory fades again, and I take in the garden, feeling empty without the wind, but so amazingly quiet it hurts. And wiping a tear away, I stand and walk away, trying to put my mind together somehow. I thought I'd moved on from this. Now it's back, and I don't know what to do.


  1. This is so awesome!!!! Can't wait for me. :D :D

    1. By "Can't wait for Me" do you mean "Can't wait for more?" :D Glad you liked it.

    2. Hahaha, YES! Sorry. Horrible typo.... :P Btw, I awarded you over at my blog... yes... again... :D

    3. *SIGH* O.o I'll get that posted. :D
