Monday, March 17, 2014

Another Blog award....

Hi all! My friend from TN, Willa, (You know the drill, check out her blog it's awesome. :-D) Has given me another--But wait-- Not just one, but TWO blog awards. Which means you can read questions about me that you probably won't care very much about. :-) So, here's the picture for the Leibster award-
Thrilling, No? I donm't have the picctuer for the other one, the sunflower award. But here goes. The rules-
1. link the blog that nominated you for the award.
2. choose bloggers to nominate that have less than 200 followers.
3. answer the questions given to you.
4. let the people who you've nominated know when you've done so.
5. you can't nominate the person that has nominated you.
6. create eleven questions for the bloggers you've nominated to answer.
Yay! So check out Willa at ;-)

Now the questions...
1. If you could pick one new movie that has come out to see, what would it be?

Well, I would say the new Muppet movie, but that's not quite out yet, so... The LEGO Movie.

2. What's your favorite animal? (I know it sounds like a boring question, but let's face it people--it's become so cliche no one ever asks it anymore. Well, I won't stand for that! It really says a lot about a person...)

Um, Dogs. I love dogs, especially Chinese Crested. ;-D

3. What was the most recent book you have read?

Eight Keys By Suzanne LaFleur. It was really good. :-)

4. Knit or cotton sweaters?

5. If you could have any kind of dragon (tamed, mind you) what would it be like?

It would be a cool Water dragon, with webbed wings and seaweed green scales and eyes the color of the ocean. :-) Like this one below. (Again, don't own the image. :-P)
6. If you had the chance to ride bareback on an ostrich, would you take it?

Good question. I have no idea.

7. What question do you get asked the most?

"What's your novel about?" Sigh. I still don't have a good answer.

8. What's your favorite Disney Princess?

I would have to say Anna From Frozen.

9. Heeled or flat boots?

Is BOTH an option?

10. Have you ever had the urge to play the saxophone?

Yes. But also No.

11. Are you a country or a city kind of person?

City. Definitely a city kid. But I do love the country. :-)

So there you go, that's that. I'm gonna do the Sunflower award tomorrow, as long as I remember. :-) I'll also update you on my crazy plan for writing! :-D

Elsie, That Crazy one