Monday, March 10, 2014

Memory Monday- Two in one special

I found this writing prompt and I thought I'd do a few of these for Memory Monday. But instead of my story, I'll just talk about a certain memory. :-) Hope it's as interesting as it sounds. O_o

Picnic outside with laughing kids.

Don't cry it's joyful, she's happy.

Keeping secrets pretending smiles, crying inside.

I thought since that wasn't very interesting, I'd also post a short story I wrote on the spot. (Oh yes, a two in one special for your very own Monday!) It's about the low voice my parents used to talk in when they were awake before us kids, most often when we were on trips. So I always called it their Hotel voice when I thought about it to myself. And I always was comforted by the low voice whenever I had a nightmare. This may be one of those stories that mean a lot to the writer, but nothing to the reader, but anyway...

I hear voices outside my door, low and tentative. I'm still drowsy with sleep, so I can only make out a few words here or there. I start to wake up a little more, and I recognize the voices a little more, realizing that I know them. I realize as it slows down that my heart had been beating fast. Oh right, I think to myself. I was having a nightmare. The detail rush back, slowly and eerily. I take a deep breath and wipe away the tear that came out during the intense moment inside my head. Someone leaving me all alone, sitting on a sidewalk as explosions rage on. I sit up, letting the voices caress my ears. Because I know who the voices belong to. They belong to my parents. And I'm here in my bed, completely safe. I turn my pillow over, so the tears I shed in my sleep are below me, far from my reach, and close my eyes, letting myself fall back into a peaceful sleep to the sound of hotel voices.


  1. This is wonderful, Elsie! And I love that writing prompt. :)

    1. Thanks, Willa. I loved it too. I have an entire board of writing prompts if you're interested. ;-)
