Thursday, April 10, 2014

Theory Thursday: Character tips and I'm so behind!

Hi! How's life in the Interweb?

As I said, I'm going to be doing writing tips every Thurs. for the month of April, and if you guys like them, I can continue! :-D

First off, I would like to apologize for being so behind. I didn't post yesterday, so I'm going to post three stories/poems tomorrow. Sorry about that, but I'll try and make them extra good. ;-)

Last week we talked about little things, and pantsing the right way. (Or, at least how I think is the right way.) This week I'm gonna talk about the hardest thing for me. (Or did I say that last week?)
I have lots of trouble not making them too emotional, too impulsive. Knowing them. I came up with some exercises I really like the other day, so here goes.

(got this on Pinterest, I don't own it)
Number one. To get to know your character, think of situations to put him or her in, I would do ones you've been in. Visiting a friend in the hospital, Going to a funeral, getting married, or something more personal like visiting a friend who you don't get along with that much anymore. How do they deal with the emotions, or do they have any at this point in time? Write a scene about it or imagine it in you head, try and feel what they would feel.

(Picture from the lovely Pinterest)
Number two. Have a talk with your character. I mean it. Close your eyes, imagine him or her standing there, maybe even fresh out a scene in your book. Tell them how you feel about what they've just don't, imagine how they feel, Because how do you get to know someone if not be talking to them? You're trying to create a person, the least you can do is not ignore them, right? Goodness, you could write a scene where you meet them, and don't know all their secrets, see for yourself what this wall is like, tall, or breaking down.

Do I even need to say it?
Number three. Start anywhere, go back, write your characters back story in detail, or just one day, or anything. Write something that happened before the book. They lived BEFORE the book started, and you need to remember that.

So there's three ways to get to know your characters. I hope that helps. :-) And just remember, they're not you. You're just their voice.

And, my second subject!
Being Inspired.
I know, you're not supposed to rush it, you're supposed to wait for it to come to you, but I have some ways to "Get into the zone". I love all of these, but everyone has different ways of being calm and in the zone while they write.

Focus on one sense. You have five of themsight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Use them. and  Earlier this month, I had some chocolate, and I was down to one piece. I wanted to savor it. so I closed my eyes, ignored all the sound downstairs, and focused only on the taste of the minty dark cocoa flavor. I opened my eyes about five minutes later and left like the taste was so much more then it normally is. It was great. you can do that with any of your senses, If you want, you can write about what just happened, about all the details you felt or saw or heard or smelt or heard.

Look at Pinterest. Seriously, it helps. I have an entire board of pictures that I just saw and liked the emotion or the feel of. ( Check it out, start your own. So many of my stories have been inspired by just pictures alone.

Drink tea. I know, I know. but I needed a third tip. It helps to be drinking or eating something while writing.


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed. I'm trying really hard to not drink any more coffee, and tea has been my friend. A very, very, good friend.
