(You know this is from Pinterest.) |
Okay, I'm supposed to be giving you writing tips, but I don't have any, so I'm gonna cheat again and just post today's story,
An Ode to Coffee. I've been taking a break from coffee, because I get too easily addicted to it. So today, when I have a headache and am really wanting some coffee. Sorry if I sound like a coffee commercial, but I had fun writing it and it made me smile and give me a good start to the day.
Coffee. What a simple sounding word, but think of the memories it evokes with any person. For some, they will remember the times as children, begging for a taste and regretting it. For others, they remember sitting at their local coffee shop with a mug and a paper for school to write, headphones on and mind throwing ideas around. Smiling over a latte with your best friend. Crazily writing the first draft of your novel. Singing to
(Yes, it's from Pinterest.) |
yourself on a spring day whilst sitting outside with an iced coffee. Coffee is everywhere, by your side. Waking you up, giving you a reason to go on. It’s bitter taste, rich, like the soil we stand on, giving us something to ground us. Something for our feet to be on. smooth, like marble in a great hall, our fingers feel the warmth and are comforted by the smoothness of the mug, the feeling in our fingertips is something that can't be recreated. And when the smell reaches our noses, nothing can express the joy, the comfort. The smile within a drink. Add a little cream, and it's a smooth delight. Add some sugar, and you have an extra kick for those hard days. Add some chocolate and it's just the thing for a book and some classical music. Coffee can do anything, can
Do I have to say it? |
adapt to what we need it to be. And quite often, we do. Everyone has those days where they can't live without their daily cup of joe, and that's okay. In fact, it's more than okay. It's wonderful. That we have such a wonderful gift sent from above, something to go with bacon and eggs in the mornings. Something to get us through the long day at work. At the end of the world, you can bet we'll facing it with a big cup of our favorite brew. None of can live without our java, but at least we can't live without it together. All of us, together can't live without this earthy taste, even if some of us don't drink it without lots of sugar and milk, coffee is still one of most loved things in this world. Of course, the real question is:
Coffee or
This picture came from one of my BFFs, Pinterest. |
Coffee or bacon? Easy. Both. lol